29 March 2008

Bournemouth, England

Train station on my way to Weymouth to visit an amazing place on Earth: Durdle Door beach, in the beautiful white cliffs coast.

Nada de nosso temos... / We own nothing...

Lisbon, Baixa

» Texto:
"Nada de nosso temos senão o Tempo, de que gozam justamente aqueles que não têm paradeiro"

» Text:
"We own nothing but Time, justly enjoyed by the wanderers"

Lisbon enjeitada

Av. Duque de Ávila

Lisbon filmes no lençol / Movies on the linen

Av. Duque de Ávila

Lisbon maldita

Av. Duque de Ávila

Lisbon Metro

Adivinha a estação!

London light

Camden Town?

Long Acre, Leicester, Convent Garden, London

Beautifull car!

London Wholefoods #1

Notting Hill Gate

London Wholefoods #3

Notting Hill Gate

Monte de Caparica #1


Monte de Caparica #2


New York #1


New York: one for each dead soldier in Iraq


New York Sprinklers

New York

New York Subway #1

Madison Square Garden

New York Subway #2

Madison Square Garden

New York Subway #3

Madison Square Garden

Sand 'n' Stone secrets

Magoito beach, Portugal

Window shop #2

Seattle, US

Window shop #4

Seattle, US

Window shop #5

Seattle, US

Window shop #1

Seattle, US

Gay Parade window shop #3

Seattle, US

Gay Parade window shop

Seattle, US

Space Needle

Seattle, US

Sevilla #1


Sevilla #2

Sevilla, Spain

La mentira

» Texto: La mentira se disfraza de 'blue velvet'... / » Text: Lies are disguised of 'blue velvet'...